
Jain Festivals

Generally, festivals are celebrations and jubilations characterized by excitement, enthusiasm, enjoyments and entertainments; but the Jain festivals are characterized by renunciation, austerities, study of the scriptures, repetition of holy hymns, meditation, and expressing devotion for the Paramatma. Even those people who are caught in the meshes of mundane life, according to their ability and conveniences, get free from the worldly entanglements to the extent possible and become immersed in worship and meditation Renunciation and austerity constitute the very foundation of the Jain Dharma.

  • Paryushan Mahaparva
  • Navpad Oli
  • The Birthday of Mahavir
  • Diwali
  • Bhai Beej
  • Jnan Panchami
  • Ashadh Chaturdasi
  • Kartik Poornima
  • Maun Ekadashi
  • Paush dashami
  • Akshay Tritiya

Jain Monks and Nuns

When a person renounces the worldly life and all the attachments, and is initiated into monkshood or nunhood, the man is called Sadhu, Shraman or Muni and the woman is called Sadhvi, Shramani, or Aryā renunciation is total which means they are completely detached from the social and worldly activities and they do not take any part in those activities anymore. Instead, they spend their time spiritual uplifting their souls and guiding householders such as ourselves how to uplift our souls.

  • Pranatipātaviraman Mahavrat
  • Mrishavadaviraman Mahāvrat
  • Adattadānaviraman Mahavrat
  • Maithunaviraman Mahavrat
  • Parigrahaviraman Mahavrat

Jain Congregation (Sangh)

The Jain religion is one of the oldest religions in the world. The Jain religion was also known as Shraman Dharma, Nirgranth Dharma, etc. It is not an offshoot of any other religion but is an independent religion recognized by these various names during different time periods. It was has been taught by Tirthankaras also called Jina. A follower of a Jina is called a Jain and the religion followed by Jains is called Jainism. Each Tirthankara revitalizes the Jain order. The Jain Order is known as the Jain Sangh. The current Jain Sangh was reestablished by Lord Mahävira, who was the 24th and last Tirthankar of the current time period. The Jain Sangh is composed of the following four groups:

  • Sädhus (Monks)
  • Sädhvis (Nuns)
  • Shrävaks (Male householders)
  • Shrävikäs (Female householders)


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Jain Sabha

To bring forth the foundational values of Jainism and make them relevant to our current generation and beyond. A religion which today science is proving time and again to be accurate to the very last detail.

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Jain Ägam Literature Introduction In most of religions, there is one or more main scripture books. Hinduism has the Gitä and 4 Vedas, Christians have the Bible, Muslims have the Koran, Persians have the Avesta, Sikhs have the Guru Grantha Sahib, and Buddhists have Tripitikas.
Jain History Introduction It is difficult to cover the history of Jain religion with in the scope of this book, but we will attempt to briefly out line the salient features. Indian culture consists of two main trends: Shramanic and Brahmanic.
Theory of Karma Introduction The Doctrine of Karma is a direct outcome of the extension of the age_old and well_established principle “as you sow, so you reap” to the spiritual sphere.
Bandha (Bondage of Karma) Bandha (Bondage of Karma) Process of Bondage Karma particles attracted to the soul by Ashrav and then they get attached (bonded) to the soul. This process is called bondage of Karma.